The Wheel of Health is made up of 6 Pillars that are necessary for physical health, with any part missing you cannot thrive.
The Pillars:
Nutritious Food - Meals built of Protein, Vegetables, Fruits. Minimal processed foods and sugar.
Sleep - 7.5-8 hours of sleep per night. Where you wake up feeling refreshed.
Play - Time dedicated purely for pleasure, this time feeds your soul and inner child.
Community - People around which you are able to be completely authentically yourself, where you can express your feelings and emotions safely without judgement or fear.
Movement - Movement of any type that brings you joy or makes you feel strong and capable.
Water and Sunlight - Drink 2.5 - 3 Litres of water a day, and get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day.
Using the Wheel of Health tool we assess your current life to bring self awareness to your potential for progress. In this weeks episode of The Shero Life Podcast we work through using this tool and discuss some of the challenges our community are facing when it comes to self care.
How does your wheel look?
