In this weeks Shero Life Podcast we discuss guilt for taking time off, luteal phase cravings and how much cardio should you really be doing? In this episode we answer a range of client questions that we are sure everyone can relate to.
The key points:
I feel guilty for not feeling sick, what can I do about the guilt?
Opportunity to recognise limiting belief
Or is it reality?
Is the action I’m choosing helping me reach my goal faster or slowing down my progress?

Hunger and cravings during the luteal phase of cycle
Hunger - you aren’t failing
Progesterone needs carbs
Greater energy demand during luteal phase.
Hunger is a good thing.
How much cardio should I be doing for fat loss
8-10,000 steps decrease in all cause mortality
1-2 bouts of 30 min zone 2 cardio per week in addition to strength training
You have a finite resource of TIME - don’t try to do it all at once.
Should I increase my protein Targets?
1-1.4g per KG of bodyweight, but can go as high as 2grams
How do I navigate social outings while staying on plan?
Communicate to your friends and family
Understand you priority
Be willing to say ‘no’
Save calories for a specific meal
Portions, dressings,
I feel tired and I didn’t do my steps
Moving is a fast way to change state
Permission to do the minimum
Remember your why
Want to hear the conversation? Listen to this weeks episode of The Shero Life Podcast now.